
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fact : Couples Retreat : Bora Bora

Bora Bora is an island in the Leeward group of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France in thePacific Ocean. The original name of the island in the Tahitian language might be better rendered as Pora Pora, meaning "First Born"; an early transcription found in 18th- and 19th-century accounts, is Bolabolla or Bollabolla. The island, located about 230 kilometres (140 mi) northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. In the center of the island are the remnants of an extinct volcano rising...

Couples retreat

This movie when I mentioned it to my friend Kannan over phone , he said its bad one .... so stalled on this for a couple of days and didn't watch it  ..but then again curiosity got the better of me and did any ways ... Now  in a lot more ways , I am glad I saw it ..so now I will never ever want to see it again !! .. ( Kannan was right) ... ok  can't put down the movie all too bad .. there are some really funny scene in it .. over all the movie did  good at the box office but , I sure did not like  especially half of the movie.. the 1st part half was interesting and funny .. but not the  rest ... the movie has a whole...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jessical Lal ( no one killed Jessica )

No one killed Jessica .....is it about the  Jessica murder case ..or more about how the  media if wanted can  bring about a change in the whole law and order system .. and that no one is above the law ..., However ... I am starting to see a good change in  Hindi films ... I stopped watching them earlier as I found the boy friend - girl friend routine an all too  common and boring formula ... but with movies like  this one   I am sure there are much  more coming out its breaking out from the  formula .. No one killed  Jessica  was actually an  refresher to the Jessica lall  murder...

Friday, March 18, 2011

No one Killed Jessica

Last week saw this Movie.. based on the real life incident of the  Jessica lall  murder case !! .. Man  it made me aware  more about the Tehlkha guys ... I  shall put in  more about the movie  later .. as I am now running out for time to get ready for work...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What is a Blood Diamond ?

Blood Diamond . Panning for diamonds in Sierra Leone.In relation to diamond trading, conflict diamond (also called a converted diamond, blood diamond, hot diamond, or a war diamond) refers to a diamond mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, invading army's war efforts, or a warlord's activity, usually in Africa where around two-thirds of the world's diamonds are extract...

Blood Diamond the Movie

After watching this Movie I  got know about  the Blood Diamonds , this is a good movie for those who are in to Diamonds a good eye opener .. a lot  of facts behind the glitter and glamor ....Me Mom just bought by  cousin a Diamond ring for her wedding .. Hmmm I wonder if my knew about the back end story of that diamond ...:-)!! Blood Diamond is a 2006 drama film co-produced and directed by Edward Zwick and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly andDjimon Hounsou. The title refers to blood diamonds, which are diamonds mined in African war zones...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fact on Dhobi Ghat

Here is  something I didn't know about ...so much for my  GK on My own mother land !!!! .. From Wiki : A place in India, where local washer men wash clothes [open air laundromat] is called Dhobi Ghat.Dhobi Ghat is a well known place in Mumbai. The washers locally known as Dhobis work in open to wash the clothes from Mumbai's hotels and hospitals. There are row upon row of open-air concrete wash pens, each fitted with its own flogging stone. Termed as the world's largest outdoor laundry Dhobi Ghat is a very popular attraction among foreign tourists. The word Dhobi Ghat is used all over India to refer to any place where...

Dhobi Ghat

I  recently saw the Film Dhobi Ghat .. to be honest .. I can't say it moved me as much as Aamir Khans other ones like 3idiots and Peepli live , I guess it was in a different class ..I did like the  camera work  coz of my liking towards hand held camera move like amateurish ...Hmmm. sorta like the  3d move surfs up ..  but then again  though the concept was nice , to me it didnt lead me anywhere .. May be this all becoz I expected a bit too much from the  film . .Having said that , Aamir Khans recent  films was always  nice watch  ..  no complaints though :-), But I guess its...

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